lørdag 26. januar 2008


En av mine beste venner, Margot Dyrstad, tilbringer et halvår i Sør-Afrika i arbeid med AIDS-syke kvinner som får bo i landsbyen Nkosi haven nord for Johannesburg sammen med barna sine. Hensikten er at de skal få pleie og trygghet, og skal kunne ta vare på ungene sine også mens de er syke. Margot har hatt dramatiske dager med sterke inntrykk etter at hun landa i Johannesburg, og må fore nettsida si via mobilmeldinger til meg. Her er Margots blogg.

Nkosi haven was founded by Gail Johnson in April 1999 and named in honour of her 12 year old foster son and in memory of his biological mother who was unable to look after him. Nkosi’s Haven was officially opened on 14th April 1999. Infected with HIV from birth, Nkosi passed on on 1 June 2001 from an AIDS related disease. His legacy lives on.

Born HIV positive on February 4, 1989 to Nonthlanthla Nkosi, Nkosi has been raised by Gail Johnson. Together, he and Gail have fought long and hard to raise awareness and to erase the stigma around the disease in South Africa, as well as to provide women with shelter and care, of both the medical and the emotional variety. To this end, they have already established Nkosi's Havens, care centres for women and children with AIDS, in Johannesburg.

Les mer om Nkosi haven.

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