Jeg hører på gamle musikkhelter, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, også kalt bare ELP. Det som opptar meg nå er teksten og musikken på Karn Evil 9 fra den gamle LP’en min “Brain Salad Surgery” som jeg hørte mye på i de dager, vi snakker om tidlig 70-tall.
LP’en ble gitt ut i 1973, altså snart femti år siden. Lenke til hele låten på youtube ligger her.
Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Part 1Cold and misty morning, I heard a warning borne in the air
About an age of power no one had an hour to spare,
Where the seeds have withered, silent children shivered, in the cold
Now their faces captured in the lenses of the jackals for gold.
I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there.
Suffering in silence, they've all been betrayed.
They hurt them and they beat them, in a terrible way.
Praying for survival at the end of the day.
There is no compassion for those who stay.
I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there
There must be someone who can set them free:
To take thier sorrow from this odysey
To help the helpless and the refugee
To protect what's left of humanity.
Can't you see
Can't you see
Can't you see.
I'll be there
I'll be there
I will be there;
To heal their sorrow
To beg and borrow
Fight tomorrow.
Og så overgangen til del to som er selve karnevalet, som man mener Karn Evil hentyder til. Her endrer musikken karakter og dette er kanskje den mest kjente delen av stykket, i hvert fall begynnelsen av det.
Step inside! Hello! We've a most amazing show
You'll enjoy it all we know
Step inside! Step inside!
We've got thrills and shocks, supersonic fighting cocks.
Leave your hammers at the box
Come inside! Come inside!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Left behind the bars, rows of Bishop's heads in jars
and a bomb inside a car
Spectacular! Spectacular!
If you follow me there's a speciality
some tears for you to see
Misery, misery,
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Next upon the bill in our House of Vaudeville
We've a stripper in a till
What a thrill! What a thrill!
And not content with that, with our hands behind our backs,
We pull Jesus from a hat,
Get into that! Get into that!
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Så kommer siste del av dette episke mesterverket, Karn Evil 9, skrevet av musiker Keith Emerson, vokalist Greg Lake og kanskje mest av alt tekst av poet og dikter Peter Sinfield som i årene før også skrev tekst for gruppa King Crimson.
Man alone, born of stone,
Will stamp the dust of time
His hands strike the flame of his soul;
Ties a rope to a tree and hangs the Universe
Until the winds of laughter blows cold.
Fear that rattles in men's ears
And rears its hideous head
Dread ... Death ... in the wind ...
Man of steel pray and kneel
With fever's blazing torch
Thrust in the face of the night;
Draws a blade of compassion
Kissed by countless Kings
Whose jewelled trumpet words blind his sight.
Walls that no man thought would fall
The altars of the just
Crushed ... Dust ... in the wind ...
No man yields who flies in my ship
Let the bridge computer speak
No computer stands in my way
Only blood can cancel my pain
Guardians of a new clear dawn
Let the maps of war be drawn.
Rejoice! Glory is ours!
Our young men have not died in vain,
Their graves need no flowers
The tapes have recorded their names.
I am all there is
But I gave you life
To do what was right

Lenke til hele teksten ligger her. Ikke rart man var fascinert, den gangen i min grønne ungdom, tenker jeg i dag. Dette er kolosalt, både som musikk-epos og tekstlig.
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